How To Tell If A Subwoofer Is Blown – 4 Signs To Check

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Do you know How To Tell If A Subwoofer Is Blown? In this article, will discover 4 signs to check this problem. A subwoofer is an essential part of every automobile audio setup. It is a speaker made specifically to produce low-end frequencies or bass. The music will sound more realistic and have more depth if you have a subwoofer in your automobile. This will greatly improve your enjoyment.

How To Tell If A Subwoofer Is Blown

How To Tell If A Subwoofer Is Blown
How To Tell If A Subwoofer Is Blown

If you’ve ever used subwoofers, you’re aware that after a while, their performance starts to suffer and you don’t get the same amount of pounding bass as you once did. Additionally, you hear distortion in the sound.

Typically, it occurs after a subwoofer blows.

However, how can you tell that your submarine has blown and has no other problems?

The common techniques to How To Tell If A Subwoofer Is Blown are listed below.

Physical Examination

Most of the time, a blown sub may be identified merely by physical inspection. There may be some cracks if it has internal damage.

Put one hand on either side of the sub and press down on the cone with your fingertips to hear any noises or see if it moves.

The voice coils inside the sub are frozen if it is stiff and refuses to press even after some force is applied, indicating that the sub is blown.

Because there isn’t much suspension in a normal subwoofer, the cone can rise back up when you press on it.

However, if it moves more frequently and easily than usual, it means that the suspensions around the spider and the surround are worn down.

The same holds true if you press it down and hear any noise or fracture.

Take a Music Break

Your automotive audio system can be learned a lot just by playing music.

Keep the volume of your music low and gradually raise it. There is a problem with the sub if you hear any distortion as the level rises.

The subwoofer’s overpowering may also result in this distortion. So before moving on, be sure to double-check it.

The subwoofer is probably broken if you aren’t hearing the bass you utilized, even at a higher volume.

Get close to the subwoofer

A subwoofer is a type of speaker, and it works similarly to other speakers by vibrating its cone to produce sound.

By putting your hands on a working sub, you may quickly feel this vibration. A good indication that your subwoofer is blown is experiencing absolutely no vibration from it.

It can also occur if a wire is damaged and your amp is weaker, though. So, before coming to any conclusions, be sure to also check those.

Utilize a multimeter

This is possibly the simplest and quickest method for finding a blown sub. because a multimeter can now be used to assist you.

This instrument, sometimes known as a multitester, aids in determining, among other things, a subwoofer’s resistance. If there is no resistance at all, the coil is ruined.

You must first unplug the subwoofer’s input and power sources before continuing.

Next, attach the probes of the multimeter to both the positive and negative ends while the multimeter is set to Test Ohms.

The sub is fine if the Ohm reading displayed on this multimeter is fairly close to the rating for the sub.

However, if it fluctuates significantly or is off by a significant margin in either direction, the subwoofer is blown.

What Leads To Subwoofer Blowing?

What Leads To Subwoofer Blowing?
What Leads To Subwoofer Blowing?

So far, we’ve spoken about various ways to How To Tell If A Subwoofer Is Blown and the reasons why they happen in the first place.

Beating Up Your Subs

Overpowering is one of the frequent causes of subs blowing. When we give the subwoofer too much power, it produces additional volume. But in addition to distorting the music, the added loudness over time also harms the subwoofer.

The voice coil and cone attempt to go farther than they were intended to when the sub is overpowered. The cone and spider are torn off, and the voice coil collides with the magnet’s backplate.

Taking Your Subs For Granted

The complete opposite of overwhelming is underpowering. In this case, the sub isn’t given enough power to create a detailed sound.

Although it’s not necessarily negative, turning up the level will cause a clipped signal. When a source signal’s loudness exceeds a circuit’s electrical tolerance, a clipped signal results.

The voltage waveform’s peaks and troughs are squared (clipped), which causes the cone to move quickly (nearly infinitely quickly), ripping in the process.

Similarly to that, it causes the coil to remain stationary while moving forward or backward. As a result, the voice coil becomes hot and deforms.

Frequently Asked Questions about How To Tell If A Subwoofer Is Blown

How can you know if your subwoofer has to be replaced?

The most straightforward test you can perform is to physically inspect the subwoofer. Apply some pressure to the cone using your fingertips. If the sub moves slightly inward before instantly returning when the force is released, it is operating properly. On the other hand, the subwoofer is probably internally damaged if the cone becomes exceedingly rigid or moves too easily.

How can the performance of a car subwoofer be tested?

A 9V battery’s both positive and negative leads should be connected to the subwoofer’s terminals. If the cone moves in or out, the subwoofer is working.

What scent does a blown sub have?

The stench of a blown subwoofer is similar to that of other burned electronics.

How long is a subwoofer supposed to last?
A well-constructed automobile subwoofer should last longer than five years with proper maintenance.

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